
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Morning Bunny Visit

I love living in a woods.  We often have nature's lovely creatures come right up to our home.   I often will journal about these visits. There are mornings I sit at our kitchen table and work or browse the internet on my computer.  I treasure this time because I can always see things going on outside. Rabbits, humming birds, butterflys, deer, squirrels and chipmunks pop in and out of my view.  One morning recently I spotted our patio rabbit and snapped a shot with my iPhone through the glass.   For the past few years we have had a rabbit that hangs out on our patio.  Rabbits can symbolize abundance, creativity, vulnerability,fertility and many other characteristics.   I like to contemplate nature's creatures and what message I can learn from them that may apply to my life at that particular moment.  Today I am sharing a journal page I did last year and the snap shot of the patio rabbit from the other day.  I am so blessed to live among nature.  I am graciously overwhelmed by the magic and inspiration that surrounds me. 

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