
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dragonfly Visit

While weeding in one of my flowerbeds my husband pointed out this dragonfly that was hanging around. Usually they are here and gone so quickly that I barely get a look.  Luckily I had my camera there too because I had taken some flower pictures earlier.  It was as if this dragonfly was posing for me.  I could not believe how close I was able to get.  As with all of nature's creatures I like to look at some of the symbolic meanings.  I decided to do a couple of  journal pages on the topic. Some of the symbolism that I used on my journal pages is evolving, seeing beyond illusions and letting true colors emerge. Below I have shared a couple of my photos and my two journal pages.  I have a feeling dragonflies will be showing up more often in my art. I have always enjoyed watching them dart about quickly in all their varieties of colors. Also like the fact they eat mosquitoes which we seem to have an over abundance of this year. Thank You, Dragonfly for stopping by for a visit.   

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Morning Bunny Visit

I love living in a woods.  We often have nature's lovely creatures come right up to our home.   I often will journal about these visits. There are mornings I sit at our kitchen table and work or browse the internet on my computer.  I treasure this time because I can always see things going on outside. Rabbits, humming birds, butterflys, deer, squirrels and chipmunks pop in and out of my view.  One morning recently I spotted our patio rabbit and snapped a shot with my iPhone through the glass.   For the past few years we have had a rabbit that hangs out on our patio.  Rabbits can symbolize abundance, creativity, vulnerability,fertility and many other characteristics.   I like to contemplate nature's creatures and what message I can learn from them that may apply to my life at that particular moment.  Today I am sharing a journal page I did last year and the snap shot of the patio rabbit from the other day.  I am so blessed to live among nature.  I am graciously overwhelmed by the magic and inspiration that surrounds me.