
Friday, May 23, 2014


Although my woods is just a small dot on this huge planet of ours, I always find something magical and new to learn.  This year I became interested in the Mayapples that grow in the woods and along our trail.  Every year I see these leafy umbrellas in large patches throughout the forest floor and they peak my curiosity and imagination. I sometimes picture them as little huts where fairies can find shelter from the spring rain. When the plant blooms I see little white flower princesses standing under their green umbrella hiding from the sun's burning rays.  These plants definitely make a statement and are often found in large colonies scattered about wooded areas.  I did some research to find that these plants have been used for many many years back to the Native Americans.  The plant itself is poison but when ripe people and animals eat the berries.  The plant also has some pharmaceutical uses. The berries ripen  at the end of summer.  However this is not a recommendation to go out and try them unless you have done your research and know for sure berries are ripe and safe to eat.  The berries too are poison until ripe and then should only be consumed in small quantities.  Also interestingly, this plant is also called the Mandrake. The Mandrake is in a scene of one of the Harry Potter movies, though I believe a different variety.  There are many resources for more information on the web. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring has arrived in my little woods

I love living in a woods not only do I get to enjoy my bulbs in the spring, I get to see my woods wake from winter's sleep.  I start to see flecks of colors sprinkled  randomly among the trees.  Little whimsical wild flower patches scattered about intermingling with the bright green moss. Spring is such a magical time.  The pictures I have added include bulbs I brought here from my Grandma's garden.  My Grandma passed away a few years back and was a gardener.  She ran her own greenhouse for many years on her property.  I like to think in the Spring when these bulbs that once bloomed at her home, return to my home that she has stopped in for a brief visit. It is such a gift to live in such a beautiful place.        

Paperwhites narcissus  from  my Grandma's garden

Grape Hyacinth from my Grandma's garden

Violets take over our lawn in the back yard leading up to the woods in April and May

I could not find the identification for these little flowers that grow on the edge of our back woods. 

Dutchmen's Breeches